Wednesday, January 6, 2010

11. ENG101

the only think that i dont like about this course is blogging, almost 3 months passes and i still dont know most of the things about blogging (finding or adding a friend to our blog). we should be allowed to choose other options like facebook, myspace etc. but rest was good, i may choose this section again if i get A.

10. Sonja's chrismas cake

it was really delicious, i liked it, it takes like a cold souffle, and also it wasnt poisonous as i thought, but i couldnt get the recipe of it, i think Sonja may keep it as a secret...

9. Full monthy

i didnt like that film even i didnt watched it. it probably because of its scenerio. i can understand and feel sorry for them once because they may have no any opportunity to earn money but when they started doing it regularly as an show my opinions changed and i didnt like the rest of the film.

8. Dramatic Chipmunk

i am really proud of my group because we break the rules and prove that "impossible is nothing". we are not the favourite group even nobody think that we can be second maybe but we defeated all our opponents and get the credit. i am really happy about it but i though our grade will increase one letter but i wasnt. That was the thing which motivates me during the competition but it is OK, we win the game.

7. Marked women

First i didnt think such things happen in public life but after listened the whole presentation i realized that people almost everytime marked the others who are different from them. they always have some stereotypes because of appearances, behaviours of people around them. Especially women are always marked by society and men.

6. Truman Show

i really like Jim Carrey, he acts really well. Also the scenerio of the movie is unusual. i like the group which presents this movie too, they really well organised and their powerpoint slides are good too. The only think that wanted to see was they may include the trailer of the movie in presentation because i didnt see movie yet and it may give me some clue about it.

5. A women of a roof

It is also our presentation text. i didnt like the text when i was reading it because its subject was boring and almost nothing attractive action happened but i enjoyed while discussing it in class. Different point of views from friends makes me interested in the topic. Symbols like sun, red bikini also took my attention in the text.

4. V for Vendetta

It is the best movie I've ever seen in my whole life. I really impressed while watching it and in last scene i was about to cry. I feel lucky when i choose this film, my group members also feel happy. We studied really hard to organize the presentation. Yavuzalp and i meet in Kadıköy several time and discuss the critical points of the presentation. We really hope a good grade from it.

3. Killing Us Softly

In this video, women are objectified and presented as object. Media use woman body in commercials to take mens attention. It may works but it is not ethical in some cases. In this commercials women usually passive, vulnurable and exist in the world with their bodies. Values which are considered to be faminine are destroyed in media.

2. Tough Guise

It describes the men behaviors and the role of the media. according to "Tough Guise" men should be strong, aggressive, independent, powerful, athletic etc. if they dont have such characteristic they may ignored or humiliated. It also shows how men body changes in last 50 years. I really surprised when i see the cartoon characters and toys which are evolved as the time passes. Their body size grow enourmously.